Lockdown, living conditions, and inequalities - COCOVI

Housing situation has once again become a crucial dimension of our living conditions since much of our social activities are currently taking place in our living spaces.

Starting in March 2020, the COCOVI project (Confinement, Conditions de vie et Inégalités) will analyze housing conditions and household life in France during the COVID-19 pandemic, measuring disparities before and during lockdown (confinement) between households of different social milieus, located in different geographical environments (rural, peri-urban, city center, single-family suburban, dense housing projects, etc.). Situational disparities may be due to changes in household composition and arrangements and/or temporary or definitive changes in residence and housing. 

The project will be run by researchers of INED’s “Housing, Spatial inequalities and Trajectories” research unit and will draw on three complementary types of data:

  1. in-depth interviews with households confined in different types of areas that are also sites of former ethnographic field studies;
  2. secondary processing of public statistics general population surveys (notably the “Logement” [Housing] survey);
  3. an ad hoc questionnaire to be taken by approximately 1000 persons constituting a representative sample of France’s adult population. The questionnaire survey will be conducted jointly with a group of researchers from COCONEL (Coronavirus et confinement: Enquête Longitudinal), INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), IRD (Institut de Recherche sur le Développement), the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and the IFOP opinion poll institute: Patrick Peretti-Watel (scientific coordinator), Valérie Seror, Sébastien Cortaredona, Odile Launay, Jocelyn Raude, Pierre Verger (research consortium), François Beck, Stéphane Legleye, Olivier L’Haridon, Jeremy Ward (Steering Committee).

First Results

This project includes a survey questionnaire (the COCONEL-1 “Housing and living conditions” survey) of the adult French population designed for the purpose of a first overall assessment of the effects of lockdown in France (confinement). The survey inquired into living spaces and places, income, work and working at home, children and family relations, social contacts and the feeling of isolation, young people’s experience, and family solidarity during the pandemic. The first findings have revealed major changes in daily living conditions and housing uses and inhabiting modes. The survey has also shown how confinement widened existing social gaps in French society, to the detriment of women, young people, and people of relatively modest material and financial means. Interruption or loss of paid work, fall in income, fear for the future, feeling of isolation—all these indicators worsened cumulatively, deepening a range of existing inequalities.

Funders: Fonds de Crise de l’Institut de Recherche pour le Développement et l’appel à projets Flash COVID-19 de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche.

Consult the results of the survey, click here [FR]

Contact: Anne Lambert - anne.lambert @ ined.fr

Online June 2021

Read the two issues of Population and Societies dedicated to the survey :

Population and Societies n° 578 

Population and Societies n° 579