COVIDEHPAD-Qualitative, prospective, and multicenter study

Covid 19-related death and end-of-life in skilled nursing homes studies in France

The number of people who may be expected to end their lives in nursing care facilities during lockdown for sudden public health crises is likely to be particularly high and the experience particularly traumatizing. The Higher Education, Research and Innovation Ministry has requested the plateforme nationale pour la recherche sur la fin de vie (PNRFV) [national platform for end-of-life research] to develop a multicenter qualitative study that will describe, analyze, and help understand this lived experience and the practices of persons confronted with end-of-life situations and death in nursing homes during the COVID-19 epidemic in France, specifically during the period of lockdown (confinement) and transition to de-confinement.

Humanities and social science research professionals are conducting telephone interviews with nursing home professionals and, wherever possible, family members and residents.

The aim of the project is to use the findings to formulate recommendations and arrangements for improving end-of-life accompaniment in nursing homes during a public health crisis. It is also to improve our knowledge of end of life, the accompaniment of dying persons, and grieving processes under extraordinary temporal conditions.

Interviews were conducted from April 2020 to April 2021 (grief follow-up interviews were conducted 6 months after death); 93% of the 269 interviews were conducted between April and July 2020.

A first publication has just been released on the experience of confinement: [FR]  Balard Frédéric, Caradec Vincent, Castra Michel et al., « Habiter en Ehpad au temps de la Covid-19. Les logiques sociales des expériences du premier confinement », Revue des politiques sociales et familiales, 2021/4 (n°141), p. 31-48. DOI : 10.3917/rpsf.141.0031

Funders: Caisse nationale de la solidarité pour l’Autonomie (CNSA), Direction générale de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (DGRI) du Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (MESRI) et le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).

INED participants: Emmanuelle Cambois, Senior Researcher at INED, Sophie Pennec, Senior Researcher at INED and Jean-Marie Robine, Senior Researcher at INSERM and advisor to INED management in charge of ageing issues participate in the scientific council of this project.

Contact : plateforme.recherche.findevie @

Online :June 2021

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