Shifts in the Fertility–Development Nexus at the Macro and Micro Level
A considerable number of twentieth-century fertility theories claim that improvements in human development in modern societies are likely to lead to a fall in fertility. However, new, recently presented theoretical frameworks, including the gender revolution and multiple equilibria, suggest that fertility could increase again at high development levels, particularly among highly educated women. Alongside these changes in the theoretical debate, there is an increasing amount of empirical evidence to suggest that substantial changes are occurring at the macro and micro levels in ties between human development and fertility in some highly developed parts of the world. This project aims to identify the determinants of those displacements. One study focus is the impact of COVID-19 on fertility. The project will be run by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) and the University of Helsinki in collaboration with a number of other research institutes, including INED.
INED scientific project heads: Laurent Toulemon and Arno Muller
Online :January 2022